Client Advisory

Please note that this Advisory is not a “summary” of the inspection report that follows.  That’s why we urge you to read the entire inspection report first.

As an additional service to our Clients and their Real Estate Professionals, we have compiled this listing of items that, in the profes­sional opinion of your Inspector, merit further attention, investigation, or improvement at this time.  Some of these conditions may be of such a nature as to require repair or modifica­tion by a skilled craftsman, technician or other special­ist.  However, a homeowner such as you can easily handle the others.

In listing these items, your Inspector is not offering any opinion as to whom, among the parties to your transac­tion, should take responsi­bility for addressing any of these concerns.  As with most other facets of your transaction, we recommend consultation with your Real Estate Professional, Attorney or Home Builder for further advice with regards to any of the Advisory items:

Often, following your Inspector’s advice will result in enhanced safety for the occupants of your home or improved performance and/or extended life for the component in question. 




1.       Grading along the South side of the dwelling sloped toward the foundation.  This condition promotes water accumulation at the building, which could result in deterioration of the foundation and water penetration into the basement or crawl space.  We suggest regrading of areas near the building as needed, to assure unobstructed flow of surface water away from the foundations in order to ensure that surface water does not accumulate near the building.

2.       Railings on the back of the dwelling were damaged.  The damaged railings should be repaired, if possible or replaced if necessary to provide adequate protection from personal injury for persons in the area. 



3.       In our opinion, this roof was no longer reliable, and one should plan for its replacement in the very near future.  We recommend consultation with one or more licensed, competent roofing contractors for advice and cost estimates.  This condition was a significant concern.  It should be addressed in accord with the recommendations offered at the beginning of this report.

4.       The gutters were in only marginal condition with some leaks noted.  For the short term, we recommend cleaning and patching.  The need for replacement of the gutters should be anticipated when the roof is replaced.

5.       Extensive evidence of past excessive moisture was observed in the attic.  This condition may have been the result of condensation, leakage, excessive humidity in the house itself, or a combination.  Damage, requiring repair, was noted.  We recommend repair of all moisture caused damage to roof components by a competent, licensed General Contractor.  It should be addressed in accord with the recommendations offered at the beginning of this report.



6.       The installation of the temperature and pressure relief valve for the water heater did not include a discharge pipe.  A discharge pipe, conforming to the relief valve manufacturers specifications and local requirements, should be installed so as to exit at an approved location.  This condition was a significant concern.  It should be addressed in accord with the recommendations offered at the beginning of this report.

7.      The water heater flue was not functioning properly, allowing spillage of exhaust at the draft hood, a potential hazard.  A competent, licensed plumber or heating technician should install a new vent system for the water heater that conforms with present standards in a manner consistent with accepted trade practices.